HarbourSide Digital & SEO

"The Place to Be and the People to Talk to if You Want Your Business to be Hi-Viz in Your Local Google Maps Search Results"


smiling portrait of business owner avatar

Hey there, I am C.A. Williams (or just plain Tony to my friends) and you can check out my linkedin profile here. If it's more customers you need you're in the right place and you're welcome...

HarboursideSEO, is made up of myself, Simeon, Waqas and Jamie. Together we are  a team of freelancers specialising in Google Business Profile (GMB) local search.

Our Skill is... 

in getting you more customers simply by making your business profile (GBP) more visible in your Google Maps listing.

It's as simple as that. 

Our aim is to get it to show up in the top 3 of your local search results (where all your customers are).

Our Unique Selling Point is... 

that we can do it without it costing you an arm and a leg and we have...

Hundreds of 5* Reviews and Many Satisfied Customers to Proves it... 

We are good at what we do, we can deliver on what we say, we can transform your business. 

Why Your GBP is Your Most Valuable Online Asset

See my article below which explains why I believe your Google Business Profile is your most prized online property and your best friend in terms of bringing more customers into your business.

For Ease of Use...

We offer our services through the Fiverr.Com platform where you can see our ratings, read customer reviews and pay for services with the minimal of fuss...

How to Get  More Customers Easily? Be Hi-Viz in Your Local Google Maps Search Results...

Waqas and Simeon are our Google Business Profile specialist and If you want your business profile moved into the top 3 of your Google Maps Search results, check out  our service here and also here which includes customer reviews and orders completed.

 "Talk to Jamie if You Want to Increase Your Website's Authority and Feature In National Search Results!" 

Jamie is our website expert if you want your webite to gain in power and authority so that it features high in local or national search. See our website SEO service here which includes customer reviews, ratings and completed orders.

"Your Online Business Success Lies in Simply Appreciating Your Most Prized Online Property and That is Your Google Business Profile (GBP)".

1. Introduction

Business owners want leads, pure and simple and in 2023 its simple. Just get your business services to rank at the top of the local search results page and you are done. You will have all the leads you will ever be able to handle.

And no, it isn't hard to do.

In fact the hardest part about getting found at the top of the Google Maps local search results is getting business owners to appreciate the means by which they get there.

Which is their Google Business Profile! 

Many simply came their profile and that's about it.

They do nothing more with it and so it does nothing for them.

But the truth of the matter is that a well set up Google Business Profile will keep any business busy with new enquiries day in, day out, month in month out. 

So again if you

want more business enquiries 

coming your way day in day out?

It's Simple...

Just get your business to show up in Google's (at or near the top) Local Search results and that's exactly what's going to happen!

I made this short explanatory video for Personal Trainers working in the Bristol area of the UK which demonstrates why many businesses do not generate the volume of online enquiries they should be receiving and how to fix it themselves more often than not....

With millions of people using Google's Local Search every day to search for products and services, it's essential to ensure that your business appears prominently in search results. 

Your Google Business Profile [which use to be known as Google My Business], is a free tool provided by Google that allows businesses to manage their online presence and engage with customers. 

By optimizing your profile, you can harness the power of Google's local search engine to attract more customers and grow your business and it is not a difficult thing for you to do and as Google certified local marketing consultant I can assure you that Google has nothing to gain by making it difficult for you!

2. The Importance of Google Business Profile

A well-optimized Google Business Profile serves as a virtual storefront for your business. It provides essential information such as your business name, address, phone number, website, and operating hours. 

When potential customers search for businesses like yours, having a complete and accurate profile increases your chances of appearing in relevant search results.

Furthermore, Google Business Profile integrates with Google Maps, making it easier for customers to find your physical location. It also displays customer reviews, photos, and other relevant information, giving potential customers a glimpse into your business and building trust.

3. Optimizing Your Google Business Profile

To fully harness the power of Google Business Profile, follow these optimization strategies:

3.1 Claiming and Verifying Your Profile

The first step is to claim and verify your profile. This process confirms that you are the owner or authorized representative of your business. By verifying your profile, you gain access to additional features and ensure that you have control over the information displayed.

3.2 Providing Accurate Business Information

Ensure that all the information provided in your profile is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent with your website and other online platforms. 

Include your business name, address, phone number, website URL, and operating hours. Providing accurate information not only helps potential customers find you but also improves your search engine rankings.

3.3 Adding High-Quality Photos

Visual content plays a significant role in attracting customers. Upload high-quality photos that showcase your products, services, and the ambiance of your business. Images create a strong first impression and make your profile more appealing and trustworthy to potential customers.

3.4 Encouraging Positive Customer Reviews

Positive customer reviews can greatly influence purchasing decisions. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on your Google Business Profile. Respond to reviews, both positive and negative, to show that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing excellent service.

3.5 Utilizing Google Posts

Google Posts allow you to share updates, promotions, events, and other relevant content directly on your profile. Utilize this feature to engage with your audience, promote your business, and stand out from competitors.

3.6 Engaging with Questions and Answers

The Questions and Answers section on your Google Business Profile allows customers to ask questions about your business. Monitor and promptly respond to these inquiries to provide accurate information and demonstrate your commitment to customer service.

4. Enhancing Local Visibility

Having a well-optimized Google Business Profile enhances your local visibility. When someone searches for businesses or services in their area, Google often displays a "Local Pack" or "Map Pack" at the top of the search results page. By optimizing your profile, you increase the chances of appearing in this highly visible position, attracting more local customers.

5. Boosting Online Reputation

Customer reviews and ratings are prominently displayed on your Google Business Profile. Positive reviews not only attract potential customers but also contribute to building a strong online reputation. A well-optimized profile encourages satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, which can help counterbalance any negative feedback.

6. Gaining Customer Trust

A well-optimized Google Business Profile instills trust in potential customers. It provides them with essential information and demonstrates that your business is legitimate and actively engaged with its customers. This trust can translate into increased customer inquiries, conversions, and loyalty.

7. Increasing Website Traffic

Your Google Business Profile serves as a gateway to your website. By providing a direct link to your site, potential customers can easily visit and explore more about your business. Optimizing your profile increases the chances of attracting relevant traffic to your website, leading to potential conversions and sales.

8. Driving Foot Traffic to Your Physical Location

For businesses with physical locations, a well-optimized Google Business Profile plays a vital role in driving foot traffic. When customers search for nearby businesses or use Google Maps for navigation, having an optimized profile ensures that your business appears prominently, making it easier for customers to find and visit your physical location.

9. Measuring and Tracking Performance

Google Business Profile provides valuable insights and analytics to measure the performance of your profile. Utilize these analytics to track metrics such as the number of views, customer actions, phone calls, website visits, and direction requests. This data helps you understand how your profile is performing and make informed decisions to further optimize your online presence.


A well-optimized Google Business Profile is a powerful tool for businesses to enhance their online visibility, attract customers, and build a strong reputation. By following the optimization strategies outlined in this article, you can maximize the benefits of Google's search engine and drive growth for your business.


For more info on anything I have said, get in touch here!